Writing for Roy


I am one of the fortunate ones who benefited in profound ways from knowing Roy even though I did not know him very well. Larry Levine, whom I got to know when he served on an advisory board of a film reference book project that I was involved in, encouraged me to enroll in Mason’s cultural studies program by talking up the history department he recently had joined. He suggested I look at Eight Hours for What We Will. That book, along with Larry’s Highbrow/Lowbrow, showed me what could be done with the study of popular culture when historians approached it from a broader perspective. I recently completed my dissertation, writing much of it after both Larry and Roy had become ill. I realize now that in a sense I was writing it for them to read, knowing that in some ways, both obvious and oblique, it was hugely informed by their work.


Alan Gevinson, “Writing for Roy,” Thanks, Roy, accessed March 15, 2025, https://thanksroy.org/items/show/541.

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